Nunca te has preguntado si la vida de un persona que parece ser idónea, casi perfecta, es realmente lo que aparenta ser?
A veces, muchas, nos disfrazamos, es levantarse, y decirse a sí mismo, mi vida es todo lo que he deseado que sea, y repitiendo eso, llega el momento en que creemos que es cierto, y si nos tomamos la molestia de engañarnos de esa forma, lo más probable es que logremos engañar al resto.
Siempre tengo que esperar que llegue mi cumpleaños para saberme que no recuerdo la última vez que conocí una felicidad plena, genuina, pura, algo que no tenga nada que ver con pasar un buen rato con los amigos, una felicidad que no se relacione con la adquisición de algo que ansiaba tener, algo no relacionado con una satisfacción, de esas, que enorgullecen el ego, más atentan contra la humildad, no lo recuerdo.
Es como esa felicidad de cuando eres niño y te compran algodón de azúcar, ese helado que tanto ansiabas, esa fiesta de cumpleaños que solamente los niños conocen, pero entonces, esa felicidad va transformándose mientras vamos creciendo, no necesariamente madurando, y todo se ajusta a una necesidad personal, a algo que la mente y el cuerpo grita por alcanzar, sea banal o no.
Es una felicidad mental, que es infiel y traicionera, que te abandona cuando + le necesitas.
La que buscas con desesperación cuando te sientes insuficiente, no merecedor de todos y todo lo que tienes a tu alrededor, la que necesitas cuando tus sueños, esperanzas y esfuerzos se van al piso, cuando no te quieres levantar de tu cama y buscas los audífonos y un ipod para no oír, muchos menos escuchar, al resto pelear, discutir constantemente, y lloras porque sabes que te comportas como un insensible, ...inhumano, y solo puedes pensar en lo cansado que estas de lo mismo, y lo que te duelen las palabras que brotan de la única persona que tienes en el mundo, y sabes que hay alguien perdiendo la razón y probablemente eres tu.
Es el tipo de felicidad que solo la paz te puede brindar, y no la tienes, porque quizás alguien + la necesita + que tu; que paz puedes tener, cuando no tienes paz interna, espiritual?
Y las expresiones vocalizadas son sobrestimadas, si valen, si hieren, si se recuerdan, cuando dicen: no es lo que dices, es lo que haces. Es en realidad: es lo que dices lo que moviliza lo que haces, es lo que callas lo que rompe el silencio del alma.
El mañana está vivo en este instante, y que importa lo que se diga? cuando en realidad habrán siempre días bajos, en los que querrás correr, lo que se puede hacer es esperar ... que llegue un día en que se pueda vencer, llegar al próximo amanecer con la certeza de que será mejor, y poder levantarte de la cama y enfrentar las cosas como son.
Sin fe no se puede vivir, y hay días en que ella no se presenta al trabajo, no entra por la persiana a tu habitación, y anda fugitiva,... esos son los peores días.
.-"where Delilah sings her songs of love".- D.R. / "Oisive jeunesse À tout asservie, Par délicatesse. J'ai perdu ma vie. Ah! Que le temps vienne Où les cœurs s'éprennent!" A.R.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Un gesto amoroso...
Este anuncio es bello, te llega, ..y si dices que por lo menos no se te aguaron los ojos, estas mintiendo y lo sabes, lo peor es que ni tu mismo te lo crees.
La verdad es que es una compañana contra el cáncer en los niños, es hermosisimo y tierno.
Por favor, tome su tiempo y observelo.
La verdad es que es una compañana contra el cáncer en los niños, es hermosisimo y tierno.
Por favor, tome su tiempo y observelo.
Friday, July 21, 2006
The air was different, the scent of the day as well, everyone felt intrigue for someone else's perfume, even if its the same one, being used through the entire semester, it was funny, how today everyone stopped me to ask what fragance was that, and as I said "Versace Red Jeans" and I would end saying "the same i've been wearing for almost a whole month now", it felt unreal, I found everyone to be even prettier, better good looking, sweeter and nicer, ....
We all arrived like any other day, rugged jeans, tshirts, plain and simple looking, relaxed, a bit preoccupied with the final and the grades, ...the final was over within 20 minutes top, people started getting off their chairs, saying "good luck you guys.." and then walked away, so did I, and once I got out, everyone was standing out there, asking "how you did?? cool??" we sat and talked, joke around, and then said goodbye to most of them, like if i were to see them tomorrow, like always.
As a few of my closest friends and I walked to a near restaurant to get dinner and a few drinks, no one talked, at least not about how it's over, a few other close friends arrived .. and then we went to do some serious drinking.
It was such a weird night, and in the mist of not talking about it, no one did, it was like any other night out, and i'm sé en que pie estoy parada, ni que hacer o decir, como manejarlo, y sé que mañana no me preocuparé porque total, los viernes no tengo clases, pero cuando llegue el lunes y vea que no tengo que estar lista a las 5:30 para llegar a mi clase de las 6:00, no por elección, sino porque ya no hay más, me golpeará.
No es como que el mundo colapsa, nada es imprescindible, dicen algunos, eso no quiere decir, que no nos afecten las cosas que vamos dejando atrás o que nos van dejando atrás, supongo que es como todo en la vida, todo se supera, se entiende, y se cura, esto es una faceta de nuestras vidas, algunos la manejamos mejor que otros, o sabemos aprovecharla mejor que otros, pero algunos de nosotros no nos desprendemos de las cosas tan fácil como otros saben hacer, ..sin referirme a cosas materiales, sino más bien a las cosas que son parte de nuestro existencialismo, madurez y crecimiento.
Sé que hay gente que probablemente vuelva a ver dentro de mucho tiempo, porque aunque este mundo es pequeño, hay mundos que simplemente no se cruzan por un buen lapso de tiempo.
Mi satisfacción es la gente que he conocido, todos para bien, nunca he estado rodeada de tanta gente positiva y con tan buen efecto en mi vida, tan seria y honesta, buena gente, buenos amigos, ...sinceros, y duele saber que ahora es más fácil salir perjudicado, porque no está ese apoyo constante, diario, al que me he acostumbrado.
Al quejarme de querer tener con quien conversar, no lo digo por la actualidad que desde hace unas horas ha dejado de ser, sino por la actualidad que a partir de ahora es.
Ahora mismo, siento un vacío.
We all arrived like any other day, rugged jeans, tshirts, plain and simple looking, relaxed, a bit preoccupied with the final and the grades, ...the final was over within 20 minutes top, people started getting off their chairs, saying "good luck you guys.." and then walked away, so did I, and once I got out, everyone was standing out there, asking "how you did?? cool??" we sat and talked, joke around, and then said goodbye to most of them, like if i were to see them tomorrow, like always.
As a few of my closest friends and I walked to a near restaurant to get dinner and a few drinks, no one talked, at least not about how it's over, a few other close friends arrived .. and then we went to do some serious drinking.
It was such a weird night, and in the mist of not talking about it, no one did, it was like any other night out, and i'm sé en que pie estoy parada, ni que hacer o decir, como manejarlo, y sé que mañana no me preocuparé porque total, los viernes no tengo clases, pero cuando llegue el lunes y vea que no tengo que estar lista a las 5:30 para llegar a mi clase de las 6:00, no por elección, sino porque ya no hay más, me golpeará.
No es como que el mundo colapsa, nada es imprescindible, dicen algunos, eso no quiere decir, que no nos afecten las cosas que vamos dejando atrás o que nos van dejando atrás, supongo que es como todo en la vida, todo se supera, se entiende, y se cura, esto es una faceta de nuestras vidas, algunos la manejamos mejor que otros, o sabemos aprovecharla mejor que otros, pero algunos de nosotros no nos desprendemos de las cosas tan fácil como otros saben hacer, ..sin referirme a cosas materiales, sino más bien a las cosas que son parte de nuestro existencialismo, madurez y crecimiento.
Sé que hay gente que probablemente vuelva a ver dentro de mucho tiempo, porque aunque este mundo es pequeño, hay mundos que simplemente no se cruzan por un buen lapso de tiempo.
Mi satisfacción es la gente que he conocido, todos para bien, nunca he estado rodeada de tanta gente positiva y con tan buen efecto en mi vida, tan seria y honesta, buena gente, buenos amigos, ...sinceros, y duele saber que ahora es más fácil salir perjudicado, porque no está ese apoyo constante, diario, al que me he acostumbrado.
Al quejarme de querer tener con quien conversar, no lo digo por la actualidad que desde hace unas horas ha dejado de ser, sino por la actualidad que a partir de ahora es.
Ahora mismo, siento un vacío.
Monday, July 17, 2006
See what these fuckers are doing every day!
This precious creature was killed in a Covance medical lab from horrendous torture by human hands. Please watch the video below to see this little guys story. Together we can raise our voices to make a difference for others like him! WARNING: VIDEO IS VERY GRAPHIC!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Y hoy en día..
Todo el mundo es un músico, o fotógrafo, o modelo, o escritor; exceso o defecto?, a veces mientras más, menos calidad, es una locura, y si siento molestia en ocasiones, será cierto que hay un auge de talento? o un exceso de mierda que suena todo igual? Dentro de poco leeré que son todos productores.
Pero bueno, quizás es como mucha gente lo pinta, mientras se toque en garajes, locales que están a punto de quebrar y casas, a un público de 100 personas como máximo, y ante un público cuyas edades vayan de los 12 a los 16 años, las bandas son y serán underground, lol, o como en momentos he llamado "gente que simplemente no puede conseguir un contrato disquero, y cuyas letras fueron escritas para un público que no saben quienes son Gomosito, Jem, Topogigo, o que cuando les hablan de
Candy, piensan en una paleta, o si saben quien es Candy y todos los demás es por un email que anduvo rondando el vasto mundo del networking.., que no vieron muchachitas, ni agujetas de color de rosa, ni saben quien es Sergio Dalma, o peor aún no VIERON CARRUSEL!!!!, VAS A SEGUIR!? etc."
De todas formas, me rehúso a ver tanta basura repetitiva, mi hermano si va a hacer lo mismo que todo el mundo, por lo menos intente otro corte de pelo, u otra ropa...que falta de creatividad, no sé, tengo mucho que no voy a algo local, no vale la pena y eso que en gringolandia es peor la vaina, por el simple hecho de que es mayor la población y a los gringos les encanta la mierda.
Basta con una banda, mismo todo, diferente paquete Y CUIDAOOO'.
Todo el mundo es un músico, o fotógrafo, o modelo, o escritor; exceso o defecto?, a veces mientras más, menos calidad, es una locura, y si siento molestia en ocasiones, será cierto que hay un auge de talento? o un exceso de mierda que suena todo igual? Dentro de poco leeré que son todos productores.
Pero bueno, quizás es como mucha gente lo pinta, mientras se toque en garajes, locales que están a punto de quebrar y casas, a un público de 100 personas como máximo, y ante un público cuyas edades vayan de los 12 a los 16 años, las bandas son y serán underground, lol, o como en momentos he llamado "gente que simplemente no puede conseguir un contrato disquero, y cuyas letras fueron escritas para un público que no saben quienes son Gomosito, Jem, Topogigo, o que cuando les hablan de
Candy, piensan en una paleta, o si saben quien es Candy y todos los demás es por un email que anduvo rondando el vasto mundo del networking.., que no vieron muchachitas, ni agujetas de color de rosa, ni saben quien es Sergio Dalma, o peor aún no VIERON CARRUSEL!!!!, VAS A SEGUIR!? etc."
De todas formas, me rehúso a ver tanta basura repetitiva, mi hermano si va a hacer lo mismo que todo el mundo, por lo menos intente otro corte de pelo, u otra ropa...que falta de creatividad, no sé, tengo mucho que no voy a algo local, no vale la pena y eso que en gringolandia es peor la vaina, por el simple hecho de que es mayor la población y a los gringos les encanta la mierda.
Basta con una banda, mismo todo, diferente paquete Y CUIDAOOO'.
a bit of everything
Damn that Taco Bell's kicking in....
So the 2006 Emmy nods are in..and here are some of the categories of which i actually have something to say something about..
Outstanding Comedy Series
"Arrested Development" (2003) favorite to win

"Curb Your Enthusiasm" (2000)...a personal favorite

"The Office" (2005)...the one most likely to win

"Scrubs" (2001)....a personal favorite

"Two and a Half Men" (2003)
Outstanding Drama Series
"Grey's Anatomy" (2005)....a personal favorite and likely to win

"House, M.D." (2004)
"The Sopranos" (1999) favorite to win (thou it has gotten dull)

"24" (2001)...the one most likely to win
"The West Wing" (1999)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Steve Carell for "The Office" (2005)..the one most likely to win

Larry David for "Curb Your Enthusiasm" (2000) favorite to win

Kevin James for "The King of Queens" (1998)
Tony Shalhoub for "Monk" (2002)..likely to win
Charlie Sheen for "Two and a Half Men" (2003)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Peter Krause for "Six Feet Under" (2001)
Denis Leary for "Rescue Me" (2004)
Christopher Meloni for "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" (1999)
Martin Sheen for "The West Wing" (1999)...likely to win
Kiefer Sutherland for "24" (2001)...the one most likely to win
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Stockard Channing for "Out of Practice" (2005)..likely to win and a personal favorite
Jane Kaczmarek for "Malcolm in the Middle" (2000)..the one most likely to win
Lisa Kudrow for "The Comeback" (2005)
Julia Louis-Dreyfus for "The New Adventures of Old Christine" (2006)
Debra Messing for "Will & Grace" (1998)....likely to win and my favorite to win

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Frances Conroy for "Six Feet Under" (2001)
Geena Davis for "Commander in Chief" (2005)..the one most likely to win
Mariska Hargitay for "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" (1999)
Allison Janney for "The West Wing" (1999)
Kyra Sedgwick for "The Closer" (2005)..likely to win and my favorite to win

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Will Arnett for "Arrested Development" (2003) ...likely to win and a personal favorite

Bryan Cranston for "Malcolm in the Middle" (2000)
Jon Cryer for "Two and a Half Men" (2003)
Sean Hayes for "Will & Grace" (1998)..likely to win and a personal favorite

Jeremy Piven for "Entourage" (2004)..the one most likely to win and my favorite to win

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Alan Alda for "The West Wing" (1999)..likely to win
Michael Imperioli for "The Sopranos" (1999) ..a personal favorite
Gregory Itzin for "24" (2001)..the one most likely to win
Oliver Platt for "Huff" (2004)..a personal favorite
William Shatner for "Boston Legal" (2004)..likely to win and my favorite to win

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Cheryl Hines for "Curb Your Enthusiasm" (2000)..a personal favorite

Megan Mullally for "Will & Grace" (1998)..likely to win and my favorite to win

Elizabeth Perkins for "Weeds" (2005)
Jaime Pressly for "My Name Is Earl" (2005)
Alfre Woodard for "Desperate Housewives" (2004)..the one most likely to win and a personal favorite

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Candice Bergen for "Boston Legal" (2004)..likely to win and my favorite to win

Blythe Danner for "Huff" (2004)..the one most likely to win

Sandra Oh for "Grey's Anatomy" (2005)
Jean Smart for "24" (2001)
Chandra Wilson for "Grey's Anatomy" (2005)..likely to win

Outstanding Variety, Music Or Comedy Series
"The Colbert Report" (2005)
"The Daily Show" (1996)
"Late Night with Conan O'Brien" (1993)
"Late Show with David Letterman" (1993)
"Real Time with Bill Maher" (2003)
where's Jay? WTF?
Outstanding Reality Competition Program
"The Amazing Race" (2001)
"American Idol: The Search for a Superstar" (2002)
"Dancing with the Stars" (2005/I)
"Project Runway" (2004)
"Survivor" (2000)
don't have a favorite...we all know A.I's gonna win..c'mon a cold-hearted middle life-crisis british guy with one hell of an attitude, a really fucked-up ex-emilio stefan wife with HUGE emotional issues who happens to be multi-one-hit-wonder in all artistic areas, and yes that nice black guy....
and BAM! there u go!...the biggest competition on reality TV...ohh and i almost forgot..theres other people competing as be rich...and yeah..that other thing...sing.

Outstanding Animated Program (Less Than One Hour)
"Camp Lazlo" (2005)
"Family Guy" (1999)
"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" (2004)
"The Simpsons" (1989) favorite to win..and the one that should win!!!

"South Park" (1997)
Damn that Taco Bell's kicking in....
So the 2006 Emmy nods are in..and here are some of the categories of which i actually have something to say something about..
Outstanding Comedy Series
"Arrested Development" (2003) favorite to win
"Curb Your Enthusiasm" (2000)...a personal favorite
"The Office" (2005)...the one most likely to win
"Scrubs" (2001)....a personal favorite
"Two and a Half Men" (2003)
Outstanding Drama Series
"Grey's Anatomy" (2005)....a personal favorite and likely to win
"House, M.D." (2004)
"The Sopranos" (1999) favorite to win (thou it has gotten dull)
"24" (2001)...the one most likely to win
"The West Wing" (1999)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Steve Carell for "The Office" (2005)..the one most likely to win
Larry David for "Curb Your Enthusiasm" (2000) favorite to win
Kevin James for "The King of Queens" (1998)
Tony Shalhoub for "Monk" (2002)..likely to win
Charlie Sheen for "Two and a Half Men" (2003)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Peter Krause for "Six Feet Under" (2001)
Denis Leary for "Rescue Me" (2004)
Christopher Meloni for "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" (1999)
Martin Sheen for "The West Wing" (1999)...likely to win
Kiefer Sutherland for "24" (2001)...the one most likely to win
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Stockard Channing for "Out of Practice" (2005)..likely to win and a personal favorite
Jane Kaczmarek for "Malcolm in the Middle" (2000)..the one most likely to win
Lisa Kudrow for "The Comeback" (2005)
Julia Louis-Dreyfus for "The New Adventures of Old Christine" (2006)
Debra Messing for "Will & Grace" (1998)....likely to win and my favorite to win
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Frances Conroy for "Six Feet Under" (2001)
Geena Davis for "Commander in Chief" (2005)..the one most likely to win
Mariska Hargitay for "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" (1999)
Allison Janney for "The West Wing" (1999)
Kyra Sedgwick for "The Closer" (2005)..likely to win and my favorite to win
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Will Arnett for "Arrested Development" (2003) ...likely to win and a personal favorite
Bryan Cranston for "Malcolm in the Middle" (2000)
Jon Cryer for "Two and a Half Men" (2003)
Sean Hayes for "Will & Grace" (1998)..likely to win and a personal favorite
Jeremy Piven for "Entourage" (2004)..the one most likely to win and my favorite to win
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Alan Alda for "The West Wing" (1999)..likely to win
Michael Imperioli for "The Sopranos" (1999) ..a personal favorite
Gregory Itzin for "24" (2001)..the one most likely to win
Oliver Platt for "Huff" (2004)..a personal favorite
William Shatner for "Boston Legal" (2004)..likely to win and my favorite to win
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Cheryl Hines for "Curb Your Enthusiasm" (2000)..a personal favorite
Megan Mullally for "Will & Grace" (1998)..likely to win and my favorite to win
Elizabeth Perkins for "Weeds" (2005)
Jaime Pressly for "My Name Is Earl" (2005)
Alfre Woodard for "Desperate Housewives" (2004)..the one most likely to win and a personal favorite
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Candice Bergen for "Boston Legal" (2004)..likely to win and my favorite to win
Blythe Danner for "Huff" (2004)..the one most likely to win
Sandra Oh for "Grey's Anatomy" (2005)
Jean Smart for "24" (2001)
Chandra Wilson for "Grey's Anatomy" (2005)..likely to win
Outstanding Variety, Music Or Comedy Series
"The Colbert Report" (2005)
"The Daily Show" (1996)
"Late Night with Conan O'Brien" (1993)
"Late Show with David Letterman" (1993)
"Real Time with Bill Maher" (2003)
where's Jay? WTF?
Outstanding Reality Competition Program
"The Amazing Race" (2001)
"American Idol: The Search for a Superstar" (2002)
"Dancing with the Stars" (2005/I)
"Project Runway" (2004)
"Survivor" (2000)
don't have a favorite...we all know A.I's gonna win..c'mon a cold-hearted middle life-crisis british guy with one hell of an attitude, a really fucked-up ex-emilio stefan wife with HUGE emotional issues who happens to be multi-one-hit-wonder in all artistic areas, and yes that nice black guy....
and BAM! there u go!...the biggest competition on reality TV...ohh and i almost forgot..theres other people competing as be rich...and yeah..that other thing...sing.
Outstanding Animated Program (Less Than One Hour)
"Camp Lazlo" (2005)
"Family Guy" (1999)
"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" (2004)
"The Simpsons" (1989) favorite to win..and the one that should win!!!
"South Park" (1997)
Several witnesses which were present at the murder of the taxi driver Isaac Reynoso Rosa, who was shot in the back of his neck fired by the agent of the Metropolitan Authority of Transport, Jose Maria Alcantara, affirmed that the young man never resisted to the arrest, unlike the accused has said, and that the victim was mortally shot without mediating words.
The agent of Amet ordered Reynoso to stop because supposedly he made a wrong "U" turn in his Toyota Corolla, in the intersection of the avenues Tiradentes and Roberto Pastoriza, but when he didn't stopped began a persecution that culminated in the Evaristo Morales street with 27 de Febrero, when the taxi driver hit a car parked in the place.

The relatives of the victim are not satisfied with the course of the case and assure that the investigators of the Police try to disorient and to alter the file to evade the responsibility of other agents who participated in the crime. "the Police acted negligently because they set free coauthors Hipolito Antonio Tejada, Miguel Angel Peguero Urena and Euri Cuello Suero", said Whenshy Wilkerson, lawyer of the relatives of Reynoso Rosa.
Several witnesses spoke yesterday for the LISTIN DIARIO and assured that "when the taxi driver crashed his car towards the car that was parked he stepped out of the car with his hands raised up in plain view" and the only thing that he had in them was his car keys and a cellphone ".
They revealed that there weren't any exchange of gun shots between the agents and the taxi driver, unlike what the agents involved have said to the media and the Police department, and that only one shot was heard, "which was done by officer Alcantara". "We all remained cold when we saw that one of the three agents shot him without even crossing words", assured the witnesses.
"I noticed what was happening when the taxi driver hit another car in the entrance of this street (Evaristo Morales). I approached the window that is in the second floor of the company where I work (Tele 3) and I saw when him (the taxi driver) came out of his vehicle with his hands up in the air. Isaac (the taxi driver - victim) was stunned by the conmotion of the car crash. It was very strong", said Rafael Cosme, employee of the company Tele 3.
"After leaving the car two agents of the Amet grabbed the taxi driver, and dragged him by his trousers across the corner of the Evaristo Morales, were the officer (Alcantara) had parked, several meters ahead, without mediating words shot the man and they threw him to the ground", revealed Junior Avalo, employee of the same company.
Thanks to Listin Diario Digital, and myself for translating it.
This happened 2 days ago, there are many witnesses, who agree with this version of the crime, yet nothing has be done, this is bullshit, fucking soabs with guns on their power, where tf are we goin?...
If u all could only see the picture of this man (the victim) holding his baby daughter a few months ago, and he was so young...where tf's God? i cant help to wonder..
The agent of Amet ordered Reynoso to stop because supposedly he made a wrong "U" turn in his Toyota Corolla, in the intersection of the avenues Tiradentes and Roberto Pastoriza, but when he didn't stopped began a persecution that culminated in the Evaristo Morales street with 27 de Febrero, when the taxi driver hit a car parked in the place.
The relatives of the victim are not satisfied with the course of the case and assure that the investigators of the Police try to disorient and to alter the file to evade the responsibility of other agents who participated in the crime. "the Police acted negligently because they set free coauthors Hipolito Antonio Tejada, Miguel Angel Peguero Urena and Euri Cuello Suero", said Whenshy Wilkerson, lawyer of the relatives of Reynoso Rosa.
Several witnesses spoke yesterday for the LISTIN DIARIO and assured that "when the taxi driver crashed his car towards the car that was parked he stepped out of the car with his hands raised up in plain view" and the only thing that he had in them was his car keys and a cellphone ".
They revealed that there weren't any exchange of gun shots between the agents and the taxi driver, unlike what the agents involved have said to the media and the Police department, and that only one shot was heard, "which was done by officer Alcantara". "We all remained cold when we saw that one of the three agents shot him without even crossing words", assured the witnesses.
"I noticed what was happening when the taxi driver hit another car in the entrance of this street (Evaristo Morales). I approached the window that is in the second floor of the company where I work (Tele 3) and I saw when him (the taxi driver) came out of his vehicle with his hands up in the air. Isaac (the taxi driver - victim) was stunned by the conmotion of the car crash. It was very strong", said Rafael Cosme, employee of the company Tele 3.
"After leaving the car two agents of the Amet grabbed the taxi driver, and dragged him by his trousers across the corner of the Evaristo Morales, were the officer (Alcantara) had parked, several meters ahead, without mediating words shot the man and they threw him to the ground", revealed Junior Avalo, employee of the same company.
Thanks to Listin Diario Digital, and myself for translating it.
This happened 2 days ago, there are many witnesses, who agree with this version of the crime, yet nothing has be done, this is bullshit, fucking soabs with guns on their power, where tf are we goin?...
If u all could only see the picture of this man (the victim) holding his baby daughter a few months ago, and he was so young...where tf's God? i cant help to wonder..
News and a recall to the mind.
JARABACOA. - Three brothers of ages five, four and two died carbonized this morning in Montana, of the municipal district Buena Vista, in a fire that reduced to ashes the house in which they lived with their mother. Sandy, Katy and John Cruz, were devoured by the fire that began 8:00 this morning, informed the Major Francelys Abreu, of the Fire Fighters.
The mother, Milagros Cruz, had left to buy them breakfast. Three units of Fire Fighters showed up at the scene, and controlled the flames, but already the house of wood and zinc had been reduced to ashes and so the infants. The section Montana its twelve kilometers away of the head municipality, in the highway Vega-Jarabacoa.
The neighbors tried to save the children but it was impossible for them to penetrate the house due the flames. The mother had to be controlled by the firemen when she tried to enter the house, while still on fire, to rescue her children. The carbonized little bodies were transferred to the public hospital.
The house was constructed on wood and zinc. It had three rows of blocks. "Until now we are making the investigations of what produced the fire", said the Major Abreu.
An engineer who passed by the place was the one who alerted the firemen. The colonel of the firemen of Jarabacoa, Lucas Juvenal Valenzuela, directed the operative to choke the flames and to avoid that it would extend to other houses.
Thanks to Listin Diario Edición Digital...and myself for translating it.
This is another tragedy, a huge tragedy, only one newspaper reported it, what do u say, what can u say to a mother who has to deal with such tragedy, who couldnt save her children because she was getting them breakfast?
How come, there are places in my country where the most simple and basic things are so hard to get?
And so many of us, live in such great conditions, unaware of the tragic situation other men and woman have to deal with, yet we seem to be so ungrateful for what we have and the great life our parents have provied us with..
Sure most of us, live with a single parent, sometimes he/she has been the only one raising us, educating us, dressing us, feeding us....
but we've been lucky enough to have a better life than so many others.
So many times i've said "i won't eat that.." just because there's so much to choose from, and then there's a little kid, (and im not goin to say in Africa, i'll keep it as complicated as it is, by reducing it to my country, cuz yes Africa does need help, i agree and i try to help, but i have and i need to start thinking about my country, i can't help fixing something or someone in another continent when im uncapable of helping my Patria...,) a little kid here, (like the ones i see everyday around my university, barefoot, asking for money and for the food ure about to eat, cuz god forbids u go to one of the universitary plaza restaurants because just when ur order arrives, u see their hungry little faces, and guilt and shame attack us) and they will kill for the things we throw away every single day, specially food.
A house made of wood and zinc, and I see it, inhuman, a no way condition to live like, and that's across the Nation, everywhere u might find it...houses that fall off, slide downhill due to rain.., get on fire cuz eveything about it, is an accelerating combination, while people like me worry about our wi-fi's not working.
And is it fair? no, its not, and I hope people agree.
We sometimes look down the poor, from what the clothes they wear are and look like, to where they live, to the way they talk or hang out with..and where..and believe for some reason we're better, and hell we're not, we get it all easy, "mom i need this..i need that, i want to go to Bahamas for vacation, i want to go to the Draco concert in Puerto Rico and the one here...but only if i go VIP, im goin to the cinema, and its 200 plus dinner, mom ill love it if u get a 64 Borgona Red Wine..."
And people who have it hard in life learn how to be responsable from a very young age, work to pay for their College education, come from long distances in public transportation to be right in time and not miss a class...while we look at the clock and say "hell no, im not goin this early, i hate that class..fucking boring" and then half hour after the class has started we get the keys to a fabulous car, drive to the university and spend the next 30 minutes looking where to park...
Then class is over and we hang out with our friends talking and thinking what to do next, while others are walking pretty fast to get to the bus stop so that they'll not be out in the street looking for transportation after 9 pm, and I wonder if due to the irresponsability of being in our shoes, we'll turn out to be bad citizens? bad persons?
bad parents?...bad professionals?
I just wonder, cuz, i've learned to see things for what they are, and not get carried away by banal bullshit, but im sure I have slipped into it a few times.
And I read news like this, and I remember, people, most of them, at least here, don't live the way I do, and its a reminder of how lucky I am, we are, so whenever any of u..find urself complaining about some crap, just remember, its only that, crap, superficial, and non-representative of who we are.
Thank u to whoever read this, its pretty long so I esteem ur attention and ur time which i consider to be gold.
JARABACOA. - Three brothers of ages five, four and two died carbonized this morning in Montana, of the municipal district Buena Vista, in a fire that reduced to ashes the house in which they lived with their mother. Sandy, Katy and John Cruz, were devoured by the fire that began 8:00 this morning, informed the Major Francelys Abreu, of the Fire Fighters.
The mother, Milagros Cruz, had left to buy them breakfast. Three units of Fire Fighters showed up at the scene, and controlled the flames, but already the house of wood and zinc had been reduced to ashes and so the infants. The section Montana its twelve kilometers away of the head municipality, in the highway Vega-Jarabacoa.
The neighbors tried to save the children but it was impossible for them to penetrate the house due the flames. The mother had to be controlled by the firemen when she tried to enter the house, while still on fire, to rescue her children. The carbonized little bodies were transferred to the public hospital.
The house was constructed on wood and zinc. It had three rows of blocks. "Until now we are making the investigations of what produced the fire", said the Major Abreu.
An engineer who passed by the place was the one who alerted the firemen. The colonel of the firemen of Jarabacoa, Lucas Juvenal Valenzuela, directed the operative to choke the flames and to avoid that it would extend to other houses.
Thanks to Listin Diario Edición Digital...and myself for translating it.
This is another tragedy, a huge tragedy, only one newspaper reported it, what do u say, what can u say to a mother who has to deal with such tragedy, who couldnt save her children because she was getting them breakfast?
How come, there are places in my country where the most simple and basic things are so hard to get?
And so many of us, live in such great conditions, unaware of the tragic situation other men and woman have to deal with, yet we seem to be so ungrateful for what we have and the great life our parents have provied us with..
Sure most of us, live with a single parent, sometimes he/she has been the only one raising us, educating us, dressing us, feeding us....
but we've been lucky enough to have a better life than so many others.
So many times i've said "i won't eat that.." just because there's so much to choose from, and then there's a little kid, (and im not goin to say in Africa, i'll keep it as complicated as it is, by reducing it to my country, cuz yes Africa does need help, i agree and i try to help, but i have and i need to start thinking about my country, i can't help fixing something or someone in another continent when im uncapable of helping my Patria...,) a little kid here, (like the ones i see everyday around my university, barefoot, asking for money and for the food ure about to eat, cuz god forbids u go to one of the universitary plaza restaurants because just when ur order arrives, u see their hungry little faces, and guilt and shame attack us) and they will kill for the things we throw away every single day, specially food.
A house made of wood and zinc, and I see it, inhuman, a no way condition to live like, and that's across the Nation, everywhere u might find it...houses that fall off, slide downhill due to rain.., get on fire cuz eveything about it, is an accelerating combination, while people like me worry about our wi-fi's not working.
And is it fair? no, its not, and I hope people agree.
We sometimes look down the poor, from what the clothes they wear are and look like, to where they live, to the way they talk or hang out with..and where..and believe for some reason we're better, and hell we're not, we get it all easy, "mom i need this..i need that, i want to go to Bahamas for vacation, i want to go to the Draco concert in Puerto Rico and the one here...but only if i go VIP, im goin to the cinema, and its 200 plus dinner, mom ill love it if u get a 64 Borgona Red Wine..."
And people who have it hard in life learn how to be responsable from a very young age, work to pay for their College education, come from long distances in public transportation to be right in time and not miss a class...while we look at the clock and say "hell no, im not goin this early, i hate that class..fucking boring" and then half hour after the class has started we get the keys to a fabulous car, drive to the university and spend the next 30 minutes looking where to park...
Then class is over and we hang out with our friends talking and thinking what to do next, while others are walking pretty fast to get to the bus stop so that they'll not be out in the street looking for transportation after 9 pm, and I wonder if due to the irresponsability of being in our shoes, we'll turn out to be bad citizens? bad persons?
bad parents?...bad professionals?
I just wonder, cuz, i've learned to see things for what they are, and not get carried away by banal bullshit, but im sure I have slipped into it a few times.
And I read news like this, and I remember, people, most of them, at least here, don't live the way I do, and its a reminder of how lucky I am, we are, so whenever any of u..find urself complaining about some crap, just remember, its only that, crap, superficial, and non-representative of who we are.
Thank u to whoever read this, its pretty long so I esteem ur attention and ur time which i consider to be gold.
SANTO DOMINGO. - The levels of violence that register in the country for the last months, reached yesterday one of their most elevated points, when at least 10 people died in different cities of the country. Around 8:00 in the morning several strangers on board of two RX 115 motorcycles assassinated the man in charge of the Department of Aerodinamics of the Main directorate of Civil Aeronautics, Christopher Martinez, while he was driving his vehicle by the Puerto Rico street of the Ensanche Alma Rosa 1, in the Santo Domingo municipality.
In San Cristobal four people were killed, two of them by a patrol of the National Police during presumed exchanges of fire. One of the deceaseds, that had not been identified received 14 shots while he was surprised penetrating a warehouse property of Joaquin Martinez, and the other man only known by the nickname of "El Pollito" when he tried to penetrate to a supermarket of the sector Madre Vieja. Also died Rafael Santiago Diaz, to whoms head was cut of with a machete blow in Najayo Al Medio. Also Luis Mariano Segura, was shot to rob the motorcycle he owned, while to Luis Cabral a multitude almost mobbed him while being persecuted after he tried to rob a coffee shop.
In other facts, the sergeant of the Police Francisco Abad Rivera killed his wife Agueda Fortunato Martinez, resident in Villa Mella, of a gun shot to the abdomen, leaving three orphaned children, includding a seven month old child, while no one knows who killed sergeant Jairo Maximo Gomez Mateo, in the Canitas, and in Cristo Rey, major Jonathan Leonel Geraldo Montero and sergeant major Victor Camacho were wounded from bullet shots in the middle of a fight, when they walked by the avenue of Los Martires.
In La Vega, strangers killed Jose Alexander Montano, while he was making love with a woman inside a vehicle in a solitary street, the man was undressed and the killers took his cellphone, money and other properties, while in Santiago a patrol of the Police killed Lucas Andujar Rosario (Luquita), accused to rob a police man of the institution.
In La Cueva de Cevicos, Cotui, four men who occupied a jeep without plate killed Juan de Jesus Camarena, of 50 years, after shooting him. In the incident was wounded Rafael Antonio Cruz Basora (Jose), who arrived in critical state at the hospital Luis Morillo King, of La Vega. After committing the crime, the aggressors left the vehicle in the same place and fled on foot while being persecuted by police agents.
In Nagua were found assassinated the student Welvi Joel Martes Rodriguez, of 21 years, that had been eight months disappeared, and the Haitian national Carlos Vicent, of 54 years, which generated great preoccupation in the population. Martes Rodriguez was found carved up and according to the medical legal expert Insipido Pedro Estrada, the skull presented/displayed two perforations, and that was found upon a wall next to an irrigation channel between scrubs.
Thanks to Listin Diario Edición Digital and myself for translating it.
In San Cristobal four people were killed, two of them by a patrol of the National Police during presumed exchanges of fire. One of the deceaseds, that had not been identified received 14 shots while he was surprised penetrating a warehouse property of Joaquin Martinez, and the other man only known by the nickname of "El Pollito" when he tried to penetrate to a supermarket of the sector Madre Vieja. Also died Rafael Santiago Diaz, to whoms head was cut of with a machete blow in Najayo Al Medio. Also Luis Mariano Segura, was shot to rob the motorcycle he owned, while to Luis Cabral a multitude almost mobbed him while being persecuted after he tried to rob a coffee shop.
In other facts, the sergeant of the Police Francisco Abad Rivera killed his wife Agueda Fortunato Martinez, resident in Villa Mella, of a gun shot to the abdomen, leaving three orphaned children, includding a seven month old child, while no one knows who killed sergeant Jairo Maximo Gomez Mateo, in the Canitas, and in Cristo Rey, major Jonathan Leonel Geraldo Montero and sergeant major Victor Camacho were wounded from bullet shots in the middle of a fight, when they walked by the avenue of Los Martires.
In La Vega, strangers killed Jose Alexander Montano, while he was making love with a woman inside a vehicle in a solitary street, the man was undressed and the killers took his cellphone, money and other properties, while in Santiago a patrol of the Police killed Lucas Andujar Rosario (Luquita), accused to rob a police man of the institution.
In La Cueva de Cevicos, Cotui, four men who occupied a jeep without plate killed Juan de Jesus Camarena, of 50 years, after shooting him. In the incident was wounded Rafael Antonio Cruz Basora (Jose), who arrived in critical state at the hospital Luis Morillo King, of La Vega. After committing the crime, the aggressors left the vehicle in the same place and fled on foot while being persecuted by police agents.
In Nagua were found assassinated the student Welvi Joel Martes Rodriguez, of 21 years, that had been eight months disappeared, and the Haitian national Carlos Vicent, of 54 years, which generated great preoccupation in the population. Martes Rodriguez was found carved up and according to the medical legal expert Insipido Pedro Estrada, the skull presented/displayed two perforations, and that was found upon a wall next to an irrigation channel between scrubs.
Thanks to Listin Diario Edición Digital and myself for translating it.
We're truly fucked up, aren't we?
It doesnt take a genious to know, if we're capable of doing this...or allowing it we're nothing but savages, we are now, we've always been savages and we will always be savages, unless we start doing something about it.
An animal is put to sleep if they hurt someone, ...if they kill someone, ...
what's done to us when we hurt animals, kill them, torture them?
Not for "defending ourselfs", needless to say for wanting a coat, a purse, handbag, a belt, shoes, a hat...
wtf's wrong?
Hell if u're goin to wear it, why don't u wear it all!?
Ps: Thanks to David for posting that image on his bulletin.
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