Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Dark Knight Premiere (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)

Even though I already saw it last Friday, August 8th, I still went to the so called Official Premiere today (and by so called I mean because the premiere, with invitation, was actually held on Tuesday August 12th) here and for my (actually both Raúl and I) disgrace when we arrived to The Bella Vista Cinemas they were already sold out, pre-sell, except for the 9:30 p.m. function, yet it was 4:00 p.m. needless to say there was no way in Gotham City we were going to wait from 4 to 9.

With our spirits down we arrived at the Acropolis Cinemas, because basically and to be kind lets just say we dislike that theater, and attended the 6:10 p.m. function. No further distractions, no kids crying, interpreters, nor talking heads of any kind, yet I do have something to vent about: what in batman's hell happened that caused several minutes of the movie to be cut?? I have absolutely no intention to "blow this out of proportion" solely because I already watched the movie and I know as a fact they were cut, and what was cut, so in my mind I had this little "asshole" laughing and thinking "buawhahahaha I know" still, that ruined the moment's mood and most of all I wanted to see the reaction of the room to that moment, also it kinda ruined further events related to that scene.

Films are meant to pay attention to them in order to see clearly the development of the story, understand them for what they are, either plain entertainment or meaningful and insightful themes that might make sense or not, yet have this impact on the way things are percieved, things or people for that matter, our human condition is limited by what we experience, see, breathe, taste, etc., but that's it, we're selfish in a deeper way than all obvious things already stated by so many, just the idea that someone's actions are wrong mainly because we do not understand them, nor the nature of the same or the out-come, or because we are fisically, mentally and humanly unable to see beyond our bloody noses.
Someone said to me that "to see things like that" only helps to justify "wrong doings" and "socially repressed actions" and the only thing I could respond to that was "and by being pointing fingers and judging what we don't understand or are afraid of is what exactly? isn't that an easy way to step-back and let other do the "dirty work" of saying, without any kind of moral grounds, who or what is wrong or right?" ..isn't easier to try and live our lifes causing the less damage or pain possible, to others and ourselves?.

Well, this is about The Dark Knight, I loved everything about the movie, my only concern is the cape crusader's voice, -something I already said the 1st time I saw it-, even though Batman Begins had that factor incorporated to it, this time they took it to another level, and I really don't think is a smart move. Some might say "hey it's that's the whole point, it's part of who he is" but I'm not quite convinced yet, it's over-done, too much, the Batman's voice in BB has a better appeal to me, yet that's the only thing I believe should be taken care off, next time; loved the film, great cinematography, art direction, costum design, especial effects, Heath L.'s Joker will be difficult to top, by any villian in the Gotham criminal family or any Comic Book based film's villian-billed actor; Aaron E's Harvey Dent/2-Face fantastic, SOLD, the man delievered, I didn't expect any less than that, I knew, I knew, he is a great actor, too bad people notice that when blockbusters are involved; Morgan F's Lucius Fox, I don't even have to say it and the same goes with Michael Caine's Alfred, they're Knights, as simple and determinating as that.

Get the movie fixed, no scene-cut bs and also, we need IMAX theaters here.


Tuesday, August 05, 2008

He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven.- W.B.Y.

Had I the heaven's embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,

I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

William Butler Yeats.-

Friday, August 01, 2008


En horas de silencio y paz muchas veces notamos detalles, ..pequeñeces, deja de oir para escuchar, se entiende.

Escuchando música, en estos justos momentos, un "playlist" bien cursi, para unos, ...relajante, o dulce para otros, para mi: agradable, suena "she will be loved" de maroon 5, en su versión acústica, y obviamente no es nada nuevo, la he escuchado cientos de veces, como todo medio mundo y hasta más y a pesar de que siempre me ha gustado el tema, tuvo un pegue tremendo, y es ..bueno un lindo tema, (comercial, perfecto, todo lo que se quiera decir al respecto), pero es un buen tema, he notado que no es lindo, es hermoso!.

No es la tragedia de la historia, es lo hermoso de lo posible, de lo positivo, de el "será", y no es que "puede ser" es que será, ...será, y depende del estado anímico de quien le escuche, usted puede "rajarse a dar gritos" si acabas de terminar una relación romántica, pero solo es así por lo fresco de la herida, la novedad de algo inesperado, la desesperanza de un rompimiento, la desilusión!, sin embargo, cuando llegue el momento de ver que sea lo que sea que haya pasado ha sido lo mejor que te ha sucedido porque tienes la oportunidad de empezar de nuevo, de que hay algo IDEAL esperando por ti, de que serás amado (a), ha de ser un sentimiento increíble.

La energía se atrae, la mente atrae o distancia. La negatividad nunca ha ayudado a nadie, y SI, lo digo yo! triste cuando muchos piensan que el estado de animo de una persona se limita a negatividad, más que al realismo, y a lo que ya está, no lo que ha de venir. Los sentimientos son innegables, por eso nos consume por dentro cuando callamos lo que nos causa pena, o dolor, se libera de otra forma, se calla de muchas mas ..
y por eso WOW, me encanta el tema, no me provoca tristeza, todo lo contrario, es una canción maravillosa!.

Cuando se lee, cuando se escucha, es que se entiende.-

Y nada! amen y/o enamorense! de alguien, de otro (a), de sí mismos, o quizás de algo, lo que sea y como sea, porque al final It's all about love.


3:16 a.m.

Sin poder dormir he decidido levantarme de mi cama…con una sola canción en mi cabeza,
que se encuentra bajo mi almohada, - aclaro, duermo sin almohadas, al menos, sin ellas bajo la cabeza-
me he pasado la noche cantándola, mientras miro el techo de mi habitación,
o quizás es otra cosa,
la oscuridad misma tal vez,
a pesar de ser una canción con un gran alcance romántico...para mi es todo menos eso,
Identifico todo y nada a la vez,
como en muchas otras ocasiones se lo debo a Morrissey.


You Have Killed Me.-

Pasolini is me
'Accattone' you'll be
I entered nothing and nothing entered me
'Til you came with the key
And you did your best but

As I live and breathe
You have killed me
You have killed me
Yes I walk around somehow
But you have killed me
You have killed me

Piazza Cavour, what's my life for?
Visconti is me
Magnani you'll never be
I entered nothing and nothing entered me
'Til you came with the key
And you did your best but

As I live and breathe
You have killed me
You have killed me
Yes, I walk around somehow
But you have killed me
You have killed me

Who am I that I come to be here?
As I live and breathe
You have killed me
You have killed me
Yes I walk around somehow
But you have killed me
You have killed me

And there is no point saying this again
There is no point saying this again
But I forgive you, I forgive you
Always I do forgive you
